A useful webinar providing information on benefit changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is available to watch on YouTube:
April 30th 2020. Original posted by In Control Partnerships
The long-awaited Government guidance for those receiving direct payments has been published here:
An informative Q&A developed by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has also been published which is based on questions and concerns raised by members of the public and organisations such as TLAP, IN control and skills for care. This Q&A is a working document and will be regularly updated to take into account any new guidance published, and also to respond to any new issues or concerns raised by members of the public. If you have any concerns or questions that are not reflected within this guidance (or other published guidance), you can submit these to pa.framework@skillsforcare.org.uk. Alternatively, you can submit them to Disability North (ViciRichardson@disabilitynorth.org.uk) and we will send them on your behalf.
Key points are as follows:
Contingency Planning
“Therefore, in circumstances where there is clear rationale that enables the individual to keep safe and prevent admission to hospital, local authorities and CCGs should be willing to give the individual more flexibility in how they use their direct payment, with the guiding principle being ensuring that they safely receive the care and support they require.”
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Paying Family members
Job retention Scheme (‘furlough’) ends 31 Oct 20 and is replaced by the Job Support Scheme from 1 Nov 20, which was ‘extended/upgraded’ by the gov on 22 Oct from the original plan. There are two kinds of Job Support Scheme depending on whether you are employed by a business which is open (‘JSS Open’) or has been forced to close due to coronavirus (‘JSS Closed’). Both initially run for 6 months. See gov guidance and Money Saving Expert for further information.
Steps for Local Authorities and CCGS to take
Many of you have expressed concerns that Direct payment employers have been left out of the government briefings and overlooked in this current crisis with no specific information coming forward. The guidance does put some responsibility on local authorities and CCGS and has a section that details steps they should take. This includes contacting you to provide information and advice for maintaining your care and support and how to make contact if you think that there may be a difficulty in continuing to receive care and support via your direct payment. It also encourages local authorities and CCG’s to engage with local voluntary and community services to see how they can support Direct Payment holders.
Disability North will continue to work with the local authority, CCGS and other local organisations and contribute to any relevant resilience planning. As part of that commitment, we have today launched a PA register to assist in the redeployment of PAs and to help you find quality support should your usual PA support break down due to the current crisis. Please contact Vici Richardson (details above) for further information.
We hope that during this time Local authorities, CCGS will have a flexible and person-centred approach. As Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) has stated on their website “At this difficult time, now more than ever, local authorities and clinical commissioning groups must trust people as experts in their own care and provide them with the back up to make sure they can exercise choice and control to protect themselves, their loved ones, and the people that support them.”
23rd April 2020
We understand that during this crisis there is a need for flexibility and more Personal Assistants. Some employers may not be using their PAs and other employers will have PAs self-isolating or having to stay home due to child care or their own caring responsibilities. In response to concerns from employers and to assist Local Authorities and CCGs in their contingency planning we have set up a PA register.
The PA register is an extension of Disability North’s already successful
PA matching service.
It is part of our response to the current COVID19 crisis. It has 3 main aims:
• Redeployment of skilled PAs/support staff
• A way for Direct Payment employers to fill vacancies quickly
• A resource for Local Authorities and CCGs who are supporting
Direct Payment employers to find staff for hospital discharge or to
fill vacancies within their current support package
It will enable PAs who are currently not able to work, due to their
employers shielding or choosing to self-isolate, to work temporarily for
other employers and those who may work in provisions across the county
which are closed, to be redeployed into the PA sector.
It also allows PAs to register their details online if they are looking for extra
hours or additional PA jobs to support people during this crisis period.
For more information about how to register as a PA go to http://www.disabilitynorth.org.uk/how-we-help-you/pa-register/