Personal Assistant Training

Take part in our Personal Assistant Training with Angie, our Personalisation Trainer

We are very excited to announce our new training programme with Angie Stewart, our Personalisation Trainer. The training is user led and isn’t corporate style training! It has been developed by direct payment employers. We will also be covering the background of personalisation, choice and control for those who draw on social care. Angie answered some questions for us to tell you more:

Can you tell us about your background at Disability North?

I have recently moved to the role of Personalisation Trainer at Disability North, from my previous role of Personalisation Advisor. I worked with many disabled people, who employ their own Personal Assistants to support them. I have had Personal Assistants for the last 25 years, who have supported me at work, in my home and when out partying the night away. There are more and more disabled people wanting to employ their own Personal Assistants, so we want to promote what a fantastic, highly valued job role this is.

Do you need any qualifications to take part?

No qualifications or experience needed

Will the participant receive any record of their training?

Yes, they will receive a certificate of attendance and lots of vocational knowledge to support getting a job and following a career as a Personal Assistant.

What do you cover in the course? 

We look at what Direct Payments are, their history and why disabled people campaigned to be able to employ their own Personal Assistants. We will talk about equality and diversity, confidentiality, health and safety. We will look at why this is a very unique relationship and why good communication is essential. We offer practical steps people can take to work out the sort of person they would like to be a Personal Assistant for and how they can show their personality, values and skills to get a PA job that is perfect for them.  

Who can take part?

Absolutely anyone, who wants to find out more about working as a Personal Assistant with disabled people.

Training will take place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 3rd May Part 1: 10am – 1pm at Disability North
  • Tuesday 10th May Part 2 : 10am – 1pm at Disability North
  • Wednesday 4th May Full day session: 9.30am – 4.30pm at Disability North

To take part, please sign-up via Eventbrite by clicking here. There is no charge for this training.

If you have any questions, you can email or call us on the main number.

We’re looking forward to seeing you!