By Vici Richardson, our CEO
Last month we held our first trustees strategy day. It was the first one I have done in my position as CEO and 5 out of 7 of our trustees are new to the board. We had some great facilitation from Nick Sinclair and he expertly guided the day and captured discussions.
Lunch was provided by our resident chef Dawn. She is currently one of our receptionists but having owned many eateries over the years she jumped at the chance to host lunch and what an amazing lunch it was!
The energy, enthusiasm and commitment in the room was fantastic. The thread running through the day was passion and commitment and a drive for change. I definitely saw that from our trustees and the staff who attended and who contributed via our staff survey. Every single member of staff and trustee is committed to serving disabled people across our region.
Promoting our key value of inclusion whether that is financial inclusion as part of our skilled welfare benefits team or employability as part of our training offer and promoting inclusive practices. Our community care and direct payments team are committed to ensuring those who draw on social care have choice and control and are able to live their lives as they choose with support that works for them.
As we come to the end of our current 5 year strategy I am looking forward to developing our new 5 year strategic vision with the board, expertly led by Lucy Reynolds.
We want to ensure we continue to hear from staff, stakeholders and disabled people across the region. I am optimistic for the next 5 years and committed to working with our incredible staff team to implement the plan. I am looking forward to strengthening current partnerships locally, regionally and nationally.
I’m under no illusions life is tough right now for so many but together I believe we can make a difference and until we see that difference we will be here to support disabled people and their families ensuring you are at the heart of everything we do.