We understand that during this crisis there is a need for flexibility and more Personal Assistants. Some employers may not be using their PAs and other employers will have PAs self-isolating or having to stay home due to child care or their own caring responsibilities. In response to concerns from employers and to assist Local Authorities and CCGs in their contingency planning we have set up a PA register.
The PA register is an extension of Disability North’s already successful
PA matching service.
It is part of our response to the current COVID19 crisis. It has 3 main aims:
• Redeployment of skilled PAs/support staff
• A way for Direct Payment employers to fill vacancies quickly
• A resource for Local Authorities and CCGs who are supporting
Direct Payment employers to find staff for hospital discharge or to
fill vacancies within their current support package
It will enable PAs who are currently not able to work, due to their
employers shielding or choosing to self-isolate, to work temporarily for
other employers and those who may work in provisions across the county
which are closed, to be redeployed into the PA sector.
It also allows PAs to register their details online if they are looking for extra
hours or additional PA jobs to support people during this crisis period.
For more information about how to register as a PA go to http://www.disabilitynorth.org.uk/how-we-help-you/pa-register/