PA Vacancy

Personal Assistants – SGANCL

Vacancy 1

Hours: 9.30am-2.30pm. Monday-Friday, 52 weeks per year.
During school holidays these hours may be split over 3 shifts per week instead of 5.

Rate: £16.00 per hour, £400 per week.

Area: Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15

Driver Essential

Before applying, please read the full Job Description 


Vacancy 2

We are seeking 1 PA to do 1 sleep in per week.

Hours: 8pm-8am. Nights will vary from week to week.

Rate: £16.00 per hour, £192 per week.

Area: Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15

Driver Essential

Before applying, please read the full Job Description


We are seeking several Personal Assistants to work alongside our family in supporting our son Sean who has severe Cerebral Palsy and Lennox- Gastaut Syndrome.


Meet Sean
Sean is 16 years old and is such a joy to be around. Sean is a happy content boy who loves lots of things including close contact and being read stories. Sean also enjoys having light stimulation and going into his hydrotherapy pool which he has at home but more than anything Sean loves his cuddles and being sang to.

Sean loves being outside and doing outside activities such as going to the cinemas, going ice skating and going bowling but Sean’s favourite is going for nice long walks in his wheelchair during the summer months and having drives out in his car.

Sean is registered blind, but he lights up every room he is in with his big, beautiful eyes which he smiles through. Sean’s complex needs impact his daily life massively, but we like to make sure he has the best quality of life and lives life to the best of his advantage. Sean has 3 younger siblings, 2 dogs and a cat so as you can imagine we have a very busy life, and our house is never quiet!

Sean’s needs
Sean has severe Cerebral Palsy which occurred at birth during his delivery which led to him having this diagnosis. Sean has a rare form of Epilepsy called Lennox- Gastaut Syndrome and has a number of seizures every day with some days being better than others.

Sean has an unsafe swallow so is peg fed with all of his nutrition and medicines given via his peg. For toileting Sean has an ileostomy and he needs to have intermittently catheterisation throughout the day. At night Sean uses a BIPAP machine to help with his obstructive airway due to having sleep apnoea.


What we are looking for
We are looking for people that can make an impact on Sean’s life and give him the best love and care with lots of activities.

We want people who are confident and fun with lots of smiles and laughter and have a positive attitude around Sean.

We are looking for people who are clean and tidy and confident in water.

Our hope is to have people come into our lives and become like family to us and for them to treat Sean like their own.

Healthcare experience and working with children with complex needs is preferred. Nursing experience is an advantage.

Driving is essential so Sean can access outside activities and for people to be confident driving Sean’s wheelchair access van.


This vacancy will close as soon as a suitable candidate is appointed.

At the time of starting their employment, the successful candidate must have permission to work in the U.K.





    IMPORTANT: The form must be completed in full or your application may be rejected.
    A curriculum vitae will not be accepted as a substitute.

    Required fields are marked *.

    Your Personal Details

    Telephone number

    Do you hold a current full, clean driving licence which is valid in the UK?
    [group group-driving-licence] Do you have your own transport?

    Please list your previous occupations (paid or unpaid):

    Employer 1

    Employer 2

    Employer 3

    [group has-more-employers]

    Employer 4

    Employer 5

    Employer 6

    Employer 7

    Employer 8

    Employer 9

    Employer 10


    Please give details of your education/training including any qualifications relevant for this role:

    Education/Training 1

    Education/Training 2

    Education/Training 3

    [group has-more-education]

    Education/Training 4

    Education/Training 5

    Education/Training 6

    Education/Training 7

    Education/Training 8

    Education/Training 9

    Education/Training 10


    Because of the nature of the work for which you are applying, this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions Order 1975). Applicants are not entitled therefore to withhold information about convictions which, for other purposes, are 'spent' under the provisions of the Act unless they are subject to filtering. Any information given will be completely confidential.

    Declaration: Have you had any criminal convictions that are not subject to filtering?
    [group has-criminal-conviction] If yes, please give full details. Use a separate sheet if necessary

    Please give the details of two people who have agreed to act as referees for you. One must be a current or most recent employer if you have one; they should not be a member of your close family.

    Contact following Interview but Prior to Job offer?
    Contact following Interview but Prior to Job offer?

    Your application will be passed on via email or post to the service user or their nominated person who is advertising.

    Disability North will electronically store your application form for 6 months after this recruitment ends, it will then be deleted.

    If you are successful your application form will be stored electronically throughout the course of your employment and 6 months thereafter. It will then be deleted. We may share your information with our payroll service in order for them to carry out the payroll service to your employer.

    To view Disability North’s Privacy Notices visit