Disability North helps over 6,000 disabled people and their families across the North East each year. Our commitment to promoting inclusion, independence and choice has empowered thousands of disabled people to maximise the control they have over their own lives.
By remembering us, you are ensuring our work can continue into the future and making a real difference in the lives of disabled people. With this kind of donation, we can plan ahead and look to future projects that will support disabled people.
Not only will you have the knowledge and peace of mind that you are leaving a real gift for the future, by leaving a portion of your estate to charity you may, also, pay less tax. This is because charitable gifts are taken before inheritance tax is worked out.
Remember, disabled people are twice as likely to live in poverty so any amount you can spare will be of great value to us and our service users.
If you would like to remember us in your will, please read our introductory legacy giving guide.
Contact vicirichardson@disabilitynorth.org.uk or call us on 0191 284 0480 to have a discussion with a member of our team about Legacy Giving.